If you’ve recently purchased a hot tub, you are on the precipice of paradise in your own backyard. However, before you can enjoy your new investment, there are a few things you’ll need to do to ensure it’s installed smoothly. 

A hot tub can’t be placed just anywhere, and you’ll want to make sure the delivery crew is able to do their job safely and effectively. To help your hot tub installation go off without a hitch, follow these key tips.

Selecting the Perfect Spot for Your Hot Tub

There’s much to consider when choosing the right place for your hot tub installation. Convenience and comfort are the two that may come to mind first, but you’ll also want to consider these crucial factors:

Consider Your Electrical Needs

While there are some “plug and play” hot tubs that can be plugged right into a standard outlet, most run on 220v and require their own dedicated circuit. If you have a 220v hot tub on the way, you’ll need to have that circuit installed, which can limit where the tub can be placed. 

Speak with an electrician well before the delivery date to ensure your chosen place is suitable and you’ve got the power needed to your hot tub.

Find a Safe and Level Area

just installed hot tub with comfortable seating and a patio umbrella, surrounded by garden and wooden privacy fence

Placing your hot tub on a soft area like grass or soil will result in it sinking into the ground over time. Because of this, you’ll need to either pick a spot that has solid, level ground like a deck or patio, or you’ll need to add a concrete pad, paver design, or SmartDeck to your property. 

The SmartDeck is a hot tub pad that can allow you to easily place your new hot tub in the area you’ve got your eye on. This pad offers plenty of versatility and removes the need for something more permanent, like concrete.

Opt for a Convenient and Private Location

As long as you have a solid, level surface and the ability to install a dedicated circuit, then you can place your hot tub anywhere you’d like. It’s important to think about both convenience and privacy. 

For example, having the hot tub close to your home can be great, but if it leaves you exposed to neighbors, then you may want to either reconsider your placement or add a gazebo or other enclosure. Ideally, the spot you choose should be easy to access while also offering your desired level of privacy.

Ensuring a Safe Hot Tub Installation

hot tub with a cover, placed on a wooden deck surrounded by a landscaped garden and wooden fence in a suburban backyard

Moving your hot tub from the delivery truck to your chosen area is no small task. Hot tubs can be extremely heavy even when empty, so you’ll want to make sure your delivery crew has an unobstructed path when they arrive. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Choose an Open Path

You may have a broader side of your home that’s more suitable for such a large delivery. If that’s the case for you, then your choice of an installation path is simple. However, if both sides of your home offer similar amounts of space, consider which one can be more easily cleared. 

Use measuring tape as needed for this step.

Consider Vertical Clearance

It’s not just width that you need to worry about with your hot tub installation; you’ll also need to think about height. Use your measuring tape to ensure you have enough vertical clearance to avoid delays on delivery day.

Clear Your Path

A spacious wooden deck featuring a built-in hot tub, surrounded by lush greenery and clear skies

Do what you can to remove any obstructions along your chosen delivery path. This can mean moving things like lawn furniture and children’s toys, but it can also mean cutting back some plant life so that there are no snags along the way.

Inform the Neighbors to Keep Kids and Pets Safe

It could also be helpful to let your neighbors know that you have a large delivery coming and exactly when you’re expecting it. This can help ensure that any children and pets are kept safely out of the delivery path.

Professional Hot Tub Installation in West Virginia and Pennsylvania

A hot tub can serve as your family’s personal oasis for years to come. For efficient and skilled installation you can trust, turn to the pros at Koval Building Supply. We have proudly served West Virginia and Pennsylvania residents for over 40 years and offer a vast selection of top-quality products. Reach out to Koval Building Supply to get started on your next project today.